Busy Day for LCFC Volunteers
By Ludwigs Corner Fire Company
January 16, 2025

LCFC Volunteers remained busy today. Crews handled 6 calls throughout the day. The day started with the Tanker assist to Berks Station 7 (Birdsboro-Union). After 2 p.m., LCFC Volunteers became busy during the snow storm running 3 fire alarms and 2 auto accidents. The first fire alarm was at Lexus. It was a false alarm and recalled. The BLS accident went out on Conestoga Road at Moores Road. As the crews were responding, LCFC was being dispatched for the accident with entrapment on Prizer Road. Chief 73 advised Chester to dispatch Twin Valley to 401 and LCFC would handle the entrapment call. Deputy 73 and Twin Valley crews arrived and advised the accident was in Twin Valley’s territory, not LCFC’s territory, so Twin Valley handled this call.
Rescue 73 went enroute to the entrapment call and was advised the driver wasn’t injured but couldn’t get out. The crew from Rescue 73 stabilized the vehicle and prepared for extrication. Chief 73 assumed Prizer Road Command. Once the situation was assessed further, it was determined the driver could be brought out the passenger door of her car. No injuries were sustained. 73-54 and 73-31 assisted on this incident.

As crews were getting ready to leave the station from the accident, LCFC Volunteers were dispatched to Renew Glenmoore for a water flow alarm. Crews arrived and found a broken sprinkler pipe on the 4th floor of Building 100. Crews shut down the sprinkler system and drained the fire system to minimize water damage. The situation was turned over to maintenance.
As members were arriving home after our monthly company meeting, LCFC was dispatched to Renew Glenmoore again for a water flow alarm again. Chief 73 arrived to find the sprinkler company re-pressurizing the system after fixing the broken pipe at Building 100. Chief 73 recalled the assignment.

12:48 Tanker Assist to Birdsboro Union
2:08 Fire alarm at Lexus of Chester Springs
2:38 BLS Accident on Conestoga Road
2:44 Accident with Entrapment on Prizer Road
4:30 Fire Alarm at Renew Glenmoore Apartments
9:07 Fire Alarm at Renew Glenmoore Apartments

Units: Chief 73, Deputy 73, 73 QRS, 73 Fire Police, Engine 73-5, Rescue 73, Engine 73-1
Mutual Aid: MICU 84